INDUSTRIAL SCARECROWS was a series of 8-10 ft site-specific guerrilla installations placed around Charlotte, NC. Aiming to deter development away from areas that have either been gentrified or are in the process of being gentrified.

35.328071, -80.908797

35.338475, -80.835331

35.241118, -80.817097

Was reported to the city for being "offensive" and described as a "democrat being crucified". Taken down by a city official 2 hours after install. The following day it was re-erected by a stranger and it was then formally removed.

Random user posted to the r/Charlotte sub-reddit asking about its meaning. It was later looted for the exterior-graded wood and burnt down.

Taken down by a storm.
INDUSTRIAL SCARECROWS was a campaign taken on while in residency at Goodyear Arts in the summer of 2023.
The concept was created in response to anti-gentrification art lacking direct confrontation with its developers. After the success of the Asian Corner Mall installation, the idea of moving art out of a gallery space and into the streets would take form in the nature of guerrilla installation. All three sites were specifically chosen due to my own personal connection to the locations and the effects that gentrification had begun to cause in these areas.
One of the critical parts of the campaign was to get my audience out into the open to witness the sculptures in person. The scarecrows were installed the night of July 2nd and the coordinates were posted on my Instagram story with no other accompanying data. The following morning, the images of the scarecrows, along with their coordinates were uploaded.
For the residency showcase at Goodyear Arts, large posters were displayed along with screenprints of the flyers promoting the installations. Screenprints were created by Ngoc M. Ha for the show.